Earthworks extraction

The Maya Co. detection and mapping underground infrastructures LTD, provides earthwork services for the purpose of discovering underground infrastructures. The Earth extraction pump system replaces the need for “exploratory excavation” or “physical exploration”, which are done with engineering tools which may harm the actual infrastructures or cause environmental destruction. Earthworks are carried out in a manner which is accurately adapted to the condition and type of land and conditions, and fulfills the specific needs of the Client. The professional helpful team with experience, flexibility and high level of serviceability, carry out the earthworks thoroughly and with agility, carefully excluding all damage to the existing environment. The Maya Co. works with highest safety standards, to the satisfaction of clients’ and infrastructure owners.

Why Expose underground infrastructure by means of earthworks extraction systems?

Does there not exist equipment which allows for detection of underground infrastructures with excavation?

  • Exposing underground infrastructures is intended for the client to see “with their own eyes” the hidden infrastructures in order to determine diameter, width, placement or material with which the infrastructure is made of.
  • There is equipment available. Maya Co. markets innovative technologies for detection and mapping of infrastructures from German company SEWERIN. the level of precise acuteness is very high indeed which still allows for a tiny percentage of deviation.
  • Maya Co. Equipment makes it possible to extract to the depth of 7 meters into earth.
  • Power vacuum capacity up to 1700 CFM the highest in the industry in Israel.
  • No need for deep excavation holes, noninvasive to the environment, and no danger of landslides.
  • This technology of earthwork extraction doubles the daily work capacity and significantly reduces the time for exploratory excavation.
  • By means of earthworks extraction system it is possible to expose the underground infrastructures in dense populated areas, without disrupting the daily routine of life.

Innovative technology for Earthworks extraction always pays off

The Maya Co. possesses state of the art technologies and equipment dedicated to detection of underground infrastructures, by means of earth extraction systems and other soil and land types which are coordinated for various purposes and needs, including extraction of sand from cellars. The extraction works are executed with equipment consisting of trucks with large containers which allow for large extraction amounts to be moved efficiently from point to point. The works include sand and water extraction from cellars. Working hours can be flexible, with full guarantee to the schedule and requirements agreed upon with the client, the requirements of the law and the various local municipality ordinances.

Extraction of soil, sand and drawing water from cellars

The equipment, knowledge and professional capability of the Maya Co. allows us to carry out earth extraction, wet and dry sands and materials from cellars in urban areas. This includes capability to locate a secure exact point of extraction in area of dense infrastructure. As well capabilities to extract earth and  sand in situations with extreme difficulty of accessibility, areas which  do not allow for heavy mechanical equipment to enter. The materials are extracted directly to closed container(s) which are on trucks which are them mobilized to an area designated by the authorities without creating detritus, refuse, or disturbance to the environment and everyday life in urban and built up areas.